Our Partners

We Love Small Businesses!

Learn about our friends and partners!

A successful small business is created with collaboration and partnerships.

We love to partner with other business owners and organizations
for cross-promotion and combined efforts!

Reach out any time if you’d like to be added to this list and we can talk!

River Bend Bookshop

Indie authors and indie bookstores are the perfect partnership. Our sales page on this site is set up to support River Bend Bookshop . This treasure in both West Hartford and Glastonbury, CT boasts a huge selection of books and the most adorable kids’ rooms, perfect for snuggling up with new book friends. A frequent host of indie authors, and our on-site location for our NBC shoot, River Bend is truly about community and wonderful books. What could be better. They ship too! So buy your books from our site to support them, or visit theirs! www.riverbendbookshop.com

Wicked Gluten-Free

Wicked Gluten-Free is your go-to source for all things Gluten Free! From restaurant directories, to blogs, to incredible Expos, they cover it all. Special thanks to owner Abby Kelly for being a very early supporter of Aidan the Wonder Kid! Follow them on social media to stay up to date: Facebook or Instagram

Make Momentos

This easy-to-use platform is designed for busy families looking to bridge distance and active lives with a special time of connection. Adults can record their own audio narrations of children’s e-books and send them to the special children in their lives. Children can enjoy the customized stories anytime and anyplace. The best part is, the personalized recordings become keepsake e-books that can be passed on to future generations. Share a Little Kindness is available on Make Momentos! Learn more at makemomentos.com